Step one Selection, splitting and staggering.
Step two
Step threeBasic Beveling
mm fly rods |
Step four Heat treating
Step five Hand planing 1
Step sixHand planing 2 Gluing
Step sevenFinal dimensions
Step eightAttaching hardware
Step nineWrapping
Step tenFinish
Rod sock and tube
Step 12 Shipping and Customer care. |
<-last Wrapping next-> home Wrapping a bamboo rod is almost
like wrapping
any other rod. the big difference is the fact that there is
little tension on the flats. All the tension is on the
edges. The traditional wrap is silk, and I do some silk
wraps, but my background in rod building was nylon and I still use a
lot of it. especially white. why? Because white has a
tendency to disappear under some finishes, like varnish.
The first step it to pick out a color or colors you believe will be attractive on the specific rod you're wrapping. I like earth tones, browns, greens and the like. White and black tipping seem to work the best. I try to stay away from some color combinations. Remember Spar Varnish will darken the wraps. I'd like to say that I came up with a unique way to wrap, but I didn't. I do it like a lot of people. I use a bobbin, much like a fly tying bobbin. I hang the bobbin over the edge of the work bench and wrap until I'm done or the bobbin is up to the bottom of the thread guide. Then I just pull out another two or two and a half ft. If I mess up. I can unwind the rod and the weight of the bobbin keeps the thread tight. |