Dark Years
US goes to war
Dragged into war
the Philippines
The Japanese plan
Some Questions


---- Roosevelt and War ----
Today it's hard for us to understand. So much has changed ....

Out of WWII

   Roosevelt was nearing the end of his second term as president. War clouds were looming on the horizon. His ambassador in London, Joe Kennedy (an Irishman) kept sending notes back, saying that the English would never be able to stand up to the Nazis.   France seemed to be the only hope. When France fell the White house must have been a dismal place.  Should England fall there would be nothing standing in the way of the Axis powers in Europe.  Russia, the only real threat to Germany, had a treaty with the Germans. German submarines were already starting to sink merchant ships at an alarming rate.

    On the other side of the world, the Philippines stuck out like a sore thumb. Japan had already attacked China and showed every reason, whit her "Greater Eastern Co- Prosperity Sphere" to have her eye on even more territory.  One by one, the democracies were falling to the dictatorships.  Yet America was pledged not to fight.  This left Roosevelt only words.  At almost every opportunity he spoke for the support of the British. Yet his man in London, Joe Kennedy, never let a chance pass to speak against the English.  Almost monthly, FDR found himself freezing the American assets of some small country, to keep then from falling into the hands of the Axis powers.  Now even France had to be dealt with.  During the Great war Germany had been stopped in France. But now it seemed that the last war had just taken a twenty year breather.  France, indeed almost all of Continent Europe... gone.  And German spies and activists all over Latin and South America.  Soon America would be forced to deal with Germany, one way or another.

    Hitler and Roosevelt were both the products of the great depression.  Both took power the same year.  Both brought hope to their nation.  Both were spellbinding speakers. Beyond that there were many differences.  Hitler came to power because of the failure of democracy, and ending it, created a dictatorship.  Roosevelt came to power because of the triumph of democracy and saved us from the possibility of slipping into a dictatorship. (see It Can't Happen Here ) Hitler told his people to blame everyone but themselves.  Roosevelt told his people that they were the answer.  America looked inward.  Germany looked outward.  America declared itself neutral to combatants and refused to join in a new arms race.  Germany declared itself a victim, who's rights it was about to re- assert and started to Re-Arm.

    All of this Roosevelt saw. Yet he could do nothing. The year America became Neutral, Italy invaded Ethiopia, Japan invaded China.  FDR watched as, with larger and larger bites, the dictators swallowed more land, more people, more capital and production capacity.  He couldn't even speak against the nations themselves.  It was politically unwise when so many Americans were of German or Italian decent.  He could only attack the Parties; Nazi and Fascist.  He increased the Neutrality Patrol, in the Atlantic.  He lent England 50 four stack destroyers.  He twisted the Neutrality law every way he could, but he couldn't make America want to fight.  He'd gone so far as to have Mussolini remark that, "America is already in the war."  He couldn't be sure that she'd enter the war on the right side.

    But there were the Japanese. They were causing trouble half way around the world.  We'd opened the Orient to our merchants, through the threat of force.  Yet the benefits to the Japanese had been many.   Japan could now boast a navy that was second to none in the world.  She had defeated a major European sea power (Russia)  in 1904.  She had more carriers then any other nation.  She was soon to have the two largest Battle Ships ever built.  She was expanding her boarders.  America had a plan for dealing with trouble in that part of the world.  The furthers outpost, the Philippines, Had come to us after the Spanish American War.  We had, as they said, 'stole it fair and square.' And we had a Plan....

 Next: Protecting the Philippines

Fire bombing of Japan