Fly Reels
fly reels

Though not as popular as fly rods, fly reel are popular collectors items.  I like reels, in fact I almost love reels.  The reels I attach to my rods are a collection of new and "pre-owned" hardware.  The major requirement of my reels is that they do the job.  I once bought a Hardy that was well past repair, and gave it away to a friend on FF@ who pay me what I gave for it.  It might be an interesting paper weight but it would have only been taking up space, something I don't have in abundance. 

I do have a bad habit of buying reels that I come across either at flea markets, second hand stores, or sales tables at shops, catalogs or over the web.  Because of this habit I ended up with reels that don't yet have a rod to go with them.   But, one by one, they're finding homes.
Here are a few of them.
Sierra S6/7 Orvis BBS II
An Okuma Sierra S7/8 and
an Orvis BBSII
1878 and CT 3/4
A Pflueger Supreme 1878 and
a Redington CT 3/4
1495 1/2 and SA 56L
A Pflueger 1495 1/2 and
SA system 2 56L
STH 234 and OC no35
A STH 234 and
an Ocean City No. 35
Martin 63 and  WC 78D
A Martin 63 and
a Finwick World Class 78d
automatics and no name
A "no name" reel with
A Shakespeare  OK automatic and
a Wolverine Silent Automatic.
No Name and pflueger
A "no name" with a
Pflueger Progress
Pfluegers and Shakespere
Pflueger 1514 with
a Shakespeare Purist 7597 and
and "the old reliable" Pflueger 1494
Sierra 78,  RR  and whitwater
A Redington Sierra,
a Ross Reels OC 78 and
A White River by Bass Pro!
oc 78 and no name
 Two Ocean City 76's 
(the one on the right has been polished)
and a "no name" little aluminum reel.
Most of the above reels are reels that don't actually have a "home."  Reels are one of my weaknesses. 
But my philosophy on reels is keep them simple.  I don't fish for a lot of large fish, even large bass, so basically, they're nothing but line holders.  That means click drags are usually all I need.  But I like reels with disk drags because it's harder to "over run" the reel with a disk drag.  Almost all click drags come with an adjustment knob but very few of them actually give you any meaningful adjustment.



Building a bamboo
fly rod
an outline
 A short history of fly rods
 Fish-Tested Rods
Other Information
about Bamboo
Fly Rods